This page contains links to national and statewide TBI resources, as well as links to resources specific to caregivers, providers, educators, veterans, and law enforcement. Links posted are meant for informational sharing purposes only. is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products or other materials on or available from these sites.
Alabama has a number of brain-injury related resources to assist survivors and their families from the acute to long-term recovery phases, and to ease the transition back to the community and/or employment:
Law Enforcement:
Traumatic Brain Injury is one of the signature wounds of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Helpful resources for veterans are listed below.
Lakeshore Lima Foxtrot Program for Injured Military AfterDeployment America's Heroes at Work Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center (DVBIC) Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and TBI Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation American Veterans with Brain Injuries US Army TBI Website |
Project LEAP: TBI Training for Law Enforcers
CDC: TBI in Prisons and Jails CDC: Health Issues in Correctional Settings TBI and Competency to Stand Trial: Issues and Advocacy Reducing Restraint and Seclusion of Individuals with TBI Glossary of Legal Terms for Survivors of TBI Project LEAP (Law Enforcers as Partners) partnered with the Brain Injury Association of Florida to provide a self-study course that gives officers a basic understanding of brain injury and how to recognize and manage encounters with people who have brain injuries. Appropriate for all police, sheriff and highway patrol departments. Click here to access |
©2012. The website is supported in part by AL H21MC06738 from the Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau. The contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of DHHS.